Academy Entrance Ability Test

Cost: $64.00


This test will be valid for spots left for the January 7, 2025 night class and the April 28, 2025 day class. 

Registration enrollment will be limited to 75 participants.  Please come in person to register for the PAT.  Once you are registered for the PAT, you will be given the fire registration packet.  That packet will get turned in on the Monday after you take and pass the test.  This will hold your spot for the class.  It is first come first serve.  Payment will be due at time of actual registration. Fire classes are limited to 36 students for day class and 26 students for night class.  Registration is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-4pm and on Friday until 3pm. Closed for lunch from 12pm-1pm.  We are closed for all major holidays.

Please arrive at 6:45am on the day of the test. No late arrivals will be allowed to test.

Test scores are only valid for 6 months.

Click here for registration packet.

This is the packet you turn in for the registration of the test.

Click here for Entrance Ability Outline

The outline explains the test.  The 2 forms in the back of the packet-the hold harmless (will need to be Notarized) and the completed physician statement-you will bring with you on the day of the test.  They will NOT be accepted at time of registration.