Emergency Medical Technician
An EMT is trained to work as a member of an emergency medical team administering first-aid treatment and transporting sick or injured persons to a medical facility. The Emergency Medical Technician program offers students the opportunity to become a certified Emergency Medical Technician
Fire Fighting Program
The Firefighter I & II Program is a 492-hour course. This program meets the requirements for certification as a firefighter set forth by the Division of State Fire Marshal-Bureau of Fire Standards & Training. Included in the Firefighter I & II Program is the practical portion of the State Firefighter I & II Certification Examination.

Continuing Education
Students can choose between Continuing Education Programs such as Technical Rescue, Driver Operator or Firefighter Safety & Survival. Examples of these courses include training in Rope, Confined Space, Trench Rescue, Structural Collapse Rescue, EVOC, Hydraulics, Driver Operator, & Aerial Apparatus Operations.